To Be Better And To Strive Harder
The year 2024 left me with a good lesson. It opened me up to a new learning that I used to apply in my decision-making and to my own self. Yes, there are new learnings that I have attained that also brought me into a realisation with the things that I lack and the things I need to get rid of. Throughout the whole year, I was observant with everything that I was doing. Some were new, but some were also my old doings that I continue doing. I can say that I have improved in doing things on my own without the instant thought of failure going on in my mind. I also improved in handling certain situations without getting angry and saying something bad or harsh. I handled my emotions with fragility and sensitivity because I can't always control my emotions; as they say, you feel what you feel, and we are only humans. Even if there are improvements, I also noticed there are things that I needed to improve, and that is I need to be more open about what I fee...