Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Overcoming Obstacles as a Part of the Artistic Journey

  This quarter, I've learned a lot while making a lot of discoveries. How to correctly do community-based research, as well as how to make a web design and different lists. 

  The most significant coding challenge I've faced involves organising my codes and making sure they primarily match the codes that were shown to us. When I opened some of the codes on the Chrome page, they didn't match what Ma'am had shown me, so I became bewildered and confused. Another is our inexperience and inability to build our webpages. My groupmates and I were clueless; we had no idea where to begin. Last but not least, as this is my first time conducting research, I lack primary experience and understanding about how to complete our performance task, which is our community-based study, accurately and successfully. Throughout my previous junior high years, even though I was constantly aware of it, I was unsure of what I needed to perform for a real research project. 

  In order to solve my first challenge, I used my experimental talents, combined what I knew with what I believed to be the most appropriate, and asked Ma'am for further explanation. Second, in accordance with our research, I sought advice and clarification from my sister and older friends over the necessary materials to complete our essay successfully. In order to better comprehend it and hone my research techniques, I also viewed films about it. Finally, the first thing I did was watch a lot of YouTube videos till I learned new things that I could use to improve our site design codes. I also asked individuals who work as professionals in that sector, as well to those former pupils who have done so. In the end, I conquer every obstacle that tries to prevent me from reaching my objective in all of its components and acquire plenty of new knowledge and experiences that I can use in my own life thanks to everything that has been said thus far.

  Moving on, I will intend to keep working harder and aiming higher so that I can keep learning and finding a lot of things that I know I can equip myself with. More importantly, I will undoubtedly remember everything we did in the third quarter, including the new lessons I learnt for my educational attainment as well as the experiences, memories, and life lessons I gained along my whole journey for the 3rd quarter. 


  1. I'm glad to know that you overcome those difficulties this 3rd Quarter. Keep up the good work ^^

  2. Simple yet so much to learn from. Continue doing great work! :)

  3. Keep aiming for more opportunities of growth and progress.

  4. Your passion for learning and your persistence in overcoming obstacles is truly remarkable. Keep striving as your hard work will surely lead to great achievements!


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