Thursday, 20 February 2025

Timeless Heritage that deserves to be commemorated

 Nakaugalian, which means tradition, is the Tagalog term for Kannawidan. A celebration designed to highlight the province's diverse cultural heritage in areas such as the arts, agriculture, dance and music, cuisine, and province-based goods, or OTOP (One Town One Product). Additionally, this event was held annually to commemorate the province's formal separation from other nearby provinces, which was granted on February 2, 1818, and will mark its 200th anniversary in 2018. The entire Ilocos Sur region was getting ready for a bicentennial celebration.

Kannawidan Ylocos was first launched during the term of Deogracias Victor Savellano in 2008. It was started to promote awareness and preservation of the local culture, tradition, heritage, and customs. It was also an opportunity to showcase local products, artistry, and craftsmanship. Moreover, it was also created to boost the local tourism industry.

The main reason tourists travel to Ilocos Sur is to experience and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the Ilocano people. The festival honors the province's founding during Spanish times and features traditional dances, food, costumes, and a lively street parade, all of which give visitors a glimpse into the distinctive history and way of life of the Ilocos people. In other words, it's a fantastic chance to fully immerse oneself in Ilocano culture.

The IlOCoS sur Kannawidan Festival 2023 Street Dance Competition | Province of Ilocos Sur. (2023, February 12).

Love that transcends those celebration

Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine. It is celebrated annually on February 14. It originated as a Christian feast day honoring a martyr named Valentine, and through later folk traditions it has also become a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.

The common stereotype people are thinking of when the day of Valentine's Day comes is how romantic couples celebrate it and how they celebrate it. People these days measure their love for one another by giving extravagant gifts and by pulling off grand surprises. However, I do believe that giving gifts and pulling surprises should not be the measurement of love we have for one another, instead it should be measured by how we show and express our love to them everyday and not only on valentines. Because even only a simple word is a greetings to them ; if we say it with all sincerity and care, it speaks more than expensive gifts and surprises. After all, love should be expressed and spread, not kept.

Ultimately, when it's the day of love, let us not forget who should be the greatest love we have, and that is Jesus, because God is love, and love is God. It is a reminder for us all that we love because God loves us first and He showed and demonstrated it to us. So, this month of love, let us not settle for less and bare minimum, because God showed us how to truly love.


Love is Strange. (n.d.). Humans.

           Arbuzu. (n.d.). arbuzu.

      DreamerArt. (n.d.). Cute Cupid Angel with bow and arrow clipart illustration PNG and clipart. Pngtree.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Many Lessons to Share, Countless Memories to Keep


Each of us learned a lot and made numerous new discoveries. 
                         We learned about the fascinating past of Cabittaogan's own lovely chapel.  
    We were astonished and delighted by the sights and scenes we saw while touring Cabittaogan. 
  In order to accomplish our objectives and meet our expectations, we all recognized and valued collaboration and unity in our  research making

 We studied the fascinating history and origins of  Cabittaogan

  We understood the value of perseverance, commitment, and hard effort behind the never-ending complaints that creating a web design is difficult.

            Lastly, I think the primary highlight of our research for the third quarter in ICT is the relationship and memories we have made throughout the many days we were cooped up together conducting our research.

Overcoming Obstacles as a Part of the Artistic Journey

  This quarter, I've learned a lot while making a lot of discoveries. How to correctly do community-based research, as well as how to make a web design and different lists. 

  The most significant coding challenge I've faced involves organising my codes and making sure they primarily match the codes that were shown to us. When I opened some of the codes on the Chrome page, they didn't match what Ma'am had shown me, so I became bewildered and confused. Another is our inexperience and inability to build our webpages. My groupmates and I were clueless; we had no idea where to begin. Last but not least, as this is my first time conducting research, I lack primary experience and understanding about how to complete our performance task, which is our community-based study, accurately and successfully. Throughout my previous junior high years, even though I was constantly aware of it, I was unsure of what I needed to perform for a real research project. 

  In order to solve my first challenge, I used my experimental talents, combined what I knew with what I believed to be the most appropriate, and asked Ma'am for further explanation. Second, in accordance with our research, I sought advice and clarification from my sister and older friends over the necessary materials to complete our essay successfully. In order to better comprehend it and hone my research techniques, I also viewed films about it. Finally, the first thing I did was watch a lot of YouTube videos till I learned new things that I could use to improve our site design codes. I also asked individuals who work as professionals in that sector, as well to those former pupils who have done so. In the end, I conquer every obstacle that tries to prevent me from reaching my objective in all of its components and acquire plenty of new knowledge and experiences that I can use in my own life thanks to everything that has been said thus far.

  Moving on, I will intend to keep working harder and aiming higher so that I can keep learning and finding a lot of things that I know I can equip myself with. More importantly, I will undoubtedly remember everything we did in the third quarter, including the new lessons I learnt for my educational attainment as well as the experiences, memories, and life lessons I gained along my whole journey for the 3rd quarter. 

What makes Filipinos commemorate the Chinese New Year?

    What is Chinese New Year all about? It is an annual 15-day celebration in China and worldwide, starting with the new moon between January 21 and February 20 and continuing until the next full moon.  The holiday is sometimes called the Lunar New Year because the dates of celebration follow the phases of the moon. 

    How did Chinese New Year originate? Legends emerge on the Chinese New Year's origins. A monster called Nian, which means "Year," is said to have attacked people at the start of every new year thousands of years ago. These strategies had been used to drive the monster away since it was terrified of bright lights, loud noises, and the color red. Hence, firecrackers, fireworks, and red clothing and decorations are frequently used in celebrations to end the previous year and embrace the luck and prosperity of the new one.

    Interestingly, what makes Filipinos celebrate Chinese New Year? The Chinese New Year celebration is a fascinating fusion of tradition, celebration, and a peaceful joining of two rich cultural heritages in the colorful history of Philippine culture. Chinese New Year is celebrated here in the Philippines as a celebration of unity, diversity, and the wide range of cultural influences that shape the country rather than only being a calendar event. In Proclamation No. 295 issued in November 2011, Aquino said the declaration of the Chinese New Year as a special non-working holiday would allow Filipinos and Filipino-Chinese to celebrate the holiday. The Chinese New Year celebration, according to Aquino's declaration, "is a manifestation of our solidarity with our Chinese-Filipino brethren who have been part of our lives in many respects as a country and as a people."


Mysak, S., & Nicdao, J. (2025, January 10). Chinese New Year 2025 in Philippines.

Celebration of Chinese New Year in Manila kicks off Friday. (n.d.). Philippine News Agency.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Vigan City : Where Beauty Meets History

     Vigan is  also known as the Villa Fernandina. It was founded by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century. It was originally a settlement of the chinese traders from fujian province. It considered as one of the best-preserved Spanish colonial towns in Asia. With cobblestone streets lined with ancestral homes and colonial buildings that display notable Spanish architecture and design influences from old Europe and China, the city has since preserved its authentic grid street plan. As a result, it has earned the honor of UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New7Wonders Cities. 

    Vigan is one of the most popular tourist destinations, both domestically and internationally, due to its spectacular and distinctive features. When people visit historic homes, they are in awe and appear to have a sense of being from or belonging to the past. Many people are delighted that Vigan has a special respect for the vibrant and vivid art of the past, which is full with unique knowledge and lessons to be learned.

    Even though today's life continues to flourish and modernization is more developed, the city of Vigan will never lose its old-fashioned and historic charm. With that, I can proudly say that because of the city's great appreciation and love for its origin and independence, this makes the city of Vigan different and unique from any other place in the world.


Information about Vigan City | Guide to the Philippines. (n.d.). Guide to the Philippines.

Information about Calle Crisologo | Guide to the Philippines. (n.d.). Guide to the Philippines.

M, A. (n.d.). Calle Crisologo, Night | Vigan City, PH [4]. Flickr.

                        Bambalan, G. R. (n.d.). Kalesa. Flickr.

Timeless Heritage that deserves to be commemorated

  Nakaugalian, which means tradition, is the Tagalog term for Kannawidan. A celebration designed to highlight the province's diverse cul...