Taking part in the National Clean Up Month celebration actively By virtue of Proclamation No. 244, the month of September is declared as the National Clean-Up Month, while Presidential Proclamation No. 470 also designates the 3rd Saturday of September as National Clean-Up Day. Toge ther with my club members, we participated in the event at our school that is called a clean-up drive. With the help of the broomsticks, trash bags, and dustpans we cleaned the parts of all the Filipino buildings to maintain it's cleanliness and tidiness of our school. In this picture, I am picking up trash using my bare hands because even the smallest trash is needed to be picked up and disposed of. In this image, I am sweeping the back of the PPP building with a broom and dustpan. So that it will look clean, presentable, and prevent the spread of environmental health issues. Within this image, with the help of trowel, I am planting a fruit...