Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Climate Change: Making Resiliency Effective and Stronger

     Climate change is a serious issue that is going on around the world now. Every year it's getting worse. Typhoons are getting stronger. Different unusual phenomena are being felt, like the Sahara desert in Africa being flooded and having snow even if the weather there is very hot, and Mount Fuji in Japan not getting its peak snow only in this year after how many million years.

   But have you ever wondered why there is climate change? It is natural and can get even worse because of manmade. The natural causes include changes in the sun, emissions from volcanoes, levels of carbon dioxide, etc. As I have mentioned, it gets worse by man-made, for example, the burning of trash, which releases greenhouse gases and harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. The greenhouse gases in the atmosphere blanket the earth, so that's why the sun's heat got trapped. For us Filipinos, because of the getting worse climate change, we experience different weather conditions that we are not familiar with from what we are used to. One thing is the change in pattern of the weather. The typhoons are getting stronger. In fact, this year we experienced many strong typhoons that destroyed many belongings of people, like houses, and even lost lives. 

   Indeed that it affected our lives a lot. One impactful is it  affected the work of many specially the farmers. Every year they lost a lot of crops because of unexpected happenings. We did a big adjustments. But despite that it helped us become more resilient. Resiliency  towards a more stronger and positive community and country. Being resilient help us to grow more in managing many kinds of disaster, managing our stress, positive perspective, and adapting to the adversity. I believe and I know that resiliency is a good trait everyone should have and practice.


Climate change impacts (no date) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Available at: https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/climate/climate-change-impacts (Accessed: 20 November 2024).

Resilience library (no date) Resilience Library. Available at: https://www.rcrc-resilience-southeastasia.org/community-resilience/ (Accessed: 20 November 2024).

Breaking Barriers: Making Children Safe and Protected

      Are children really safe and protected? Every year we celebrate the National Children's Month to promote safety and protection of each one. This was adopted in 1989 to support the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children. This year is themed "Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children in a Safe Philippines." The whole theme is mainly focused on the protection of every child and combating violence against them. 

     In this era that we live in right now, some children still get abused and experience violence in terms of physical and even emotional. The sad part is that they experienced it inside their own respective homes and even their community. Other children are also forced into early labor that hinders their educational journey; the reason that they are saying behind it is that life is hard. That working at a young age is the only solution to survive. 

  This is a serious problem that needs to be talked about and fixed. The theme for this year's children's celebration is very strong and powerful. It speaks a lot. It's a good theme that should be spread and talked about globally. Now that we talked about it, are you ready to spread it and talk about it to other people? Are you ready and willing to make a change for the future of millions of children? Remember what Jose Rizal has said: "Ang Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan." I hope that this article will help you reflect and do something for the present and for the future that we are all waiting for because I believe that even small actions can make a change. 


Naturespixel et al. (2008) Child abuse vector images (over 4,600), VectorStock. Available at: https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vectors/child-abuse-vectors (Accessed: 20 November 2024).

Celebrating the 32nd National Children’s month: Protecting Children, creating a safe Philippines (2024) Iligan News. Available at: https://www.iligannews.com/celebrating-the-32nd-national-childrens-month-protecting-children-creating-a-safe-philippines/#google_vignette (Accessed: 20 November 2024).


Timeless Heritage that deserves to be commemorated

  Nakaugalian, which means tradition, is the Tagalog term for Kannawidan. A celebration designed to highlight the province's diverse cul...