Saturday, 21 September 2024

Letter for the Teachers

 Dear Teachers,

    As we celebrate Teachers Day next month, I also want to share how good my teachers have been throughout my junior high school journey. They have become my second parents, who taught me a lot of lessons and life applications that I applied in my life, and surely I am bringing them until the very end. They were the greatest teachers for me to have encountered, and I am very happy with that. Every teacher, I believe, is a superhero without a cape in their own ways. You all are a good source of great learning and good vibes. Teachers, without all of you, there will be no professional workers right now, so, to end this letter, I just want to thank you for your great perseverance and courage to teach many students. Your hard work is very much appreciated, and it inspired many. God will surely see everything that you do and will give you a reward. God bless you all, teachers! 


                                                                                                                              Sincerely, Misno Rabino.





Resilience despite challenges

 Our country is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire. We are also surrounded of the bodies of water. Because of that, we experience and T we encounter many disasters like strong typhoons and active volcanoes. It is a blessing that we are located in the center but it is also a curse. These had lead to many destructions in our economy including loss of lives. This is a reality that we cannot escape. In fact, every year more stronger typhoons and other more disasters are being felt and experienced by us, Filipinos. But not only natural disasters are felt by us but we faced also things that is done by us and we are the cause of it.

Despite all the challenges, It is now the world that we live. But can we prevent it from getting worse? Yes, there is always a way and we can do it if we have a will. Resilient or in tagalog, matatag. This is just only a word but it is very powerful. When we dig deeper we will truly understand what does it mean. Many challenges, but despite everything we stay strong and resilient. With everything that has happened we are already, slowly getting used to it. And instead of feeling down and giving up we are standing still and trying our very best to be strong, unmovable, brave, and still. That is what I admire in us Filipinos, is that amidst all challenges resilience shines. 

Challenges is what causes resilience. Do you think if we do not have challenges to face are we going to still be resilient? Maybe not but also maybe yes. But as we deal so many circumstances and we can't escape it, resilience is what we have. As the topic says "towards a more resilient Philippines." Only one Filipino, it will help but it is better if all of us are united and helping each other. This will make a big impact towards making Philippines more resilient. As they always say "Two is better than one."


Letter for the President

 Dear, President Marcos

I thank For all the efforts that you've done to make our country better. I appreciate all the plans and visions that you see for this country. I hope that everything you have promised to us people, you will make it come true, because that's the only thing we want and wish to see. I know it's hard to be a leader because myself are a leader at our classroom and school, and I know how it feels. There are so many criticisms you have received but please don't let this pull you down and quit but I hope this helps you be motivated and inspired to strive more for our country. I may say bad things about you also sometimes but please know that it is to remind you to do better and to improve more
because as they say, "there is always mom for improvement." I wish and I pray that you will never stop and never get tired in serving us your people. God bless you Pres. 
                                                                                                                          From, Misno E. Rabino


Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Who am I Really?


 My family and I live in Tamorong, Sta. Catalina, My father is the one who is born there and resides while my mother were born in Cabaroan, Bantay. They are hardworking, lovable, happy persons, and what I loved the most about them is that when problems and troubles come, they always handle it matured and responsibly. They say that I'm a sweet and cheerful daughter and that I lift up their mood whenever they are sad or feeling down. I am the youngest in our family, they say that I'm very jolly person and my ate is the opposite one which is the serious one. I am supportive sibling. I love seeing my ate achieve her goals and dreams in life. My friend says that I'm hyper and my best friend says that I'm a good listener when it comes to her. 


    I am who I am today because of all the people around me. Starting from my parents, they became my first teacher and they have thought me many good lessons and great teachings. My sibling, who taught me to become a strong person. My friends, who taught me how to become a true and reliable. All of that mentioned helped me to become, myself. Somehow, all of it, I can and I am applying it to myself and how to treat everyone better.


       Someday, I want to become a great doctor so that I can help people who are sick and in need. Also, whenever one of my family is sick, I can be the one who will help them heal. I want to have a great future so that I can give my future children and family a good and beautiful life. But all of this will not be possible without God. Without Him I can't do anything in life. So, I lay everything to Him. I trust Him with His works and plans for my life and I know He has great plans ahead of me . My God will never forsake me. He will never fails and His goodness and faithfulness will always remain. 



Timeless Heritage that deserves to be commemorated

  Nakaugalian, which means tradition, is the Tagalog term for Kannawidan. A celebration designed to highlight the province's diverse cul...